Stand With Israel Trip

October 28 - November 7, 2024

STAND WITH ISRAEL |  Serve & Study Open Trip
Ready to travel to Israel and stand with the Jewish people in their time of need? By volunteering in and around Jerusalem, you will be a blessing to the people of Israel and in-person, deliver a message of hope. This service oriented, hands-on trip will ALSO include visiting a limited number of ancient sites and a deep dive into the Jewish backgrounds of the Bible. All day, every day, we will be surrounded by remnants of the Biblical world while connecting with authentic Israeli culture. Travelers should be in decent health due to the physical demands of the trip. Check the itinerary for more information or contact our office at

Dates of trip: October 28 – November 7, 2024
Register for Trip
Cost: $3875 -Land package

  • $500 is due at registration. Should Bible Unplug cancel the trip, your registration fee will be refunded, minus any charge card processing fees. If you decide to cancel, the $500 is non-refundable.
  • Final payment due October 1, 2024
  • Airfare – Self-arranged, preferably using El Al Airlines for the international portion of the trip. Delta & El Al are airline partners.


Day 1 – Monday, October 28

Grab your passport and depart the USA for your STAND WITH ISRAEL trip!

Day 2 – Tuesday, October 29       

Arrive in Israel, view the Way of the Sea as you journey to your hotel. Overnight on Coast

Day 3 – Wednesday, October 30

We will start the day with a stop at Caesarea where we will focus on Peter, Paul and the early Church. Next, we head up to Mt Carmel and address Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Possibly travel to Kibbutz Kefar Kedem for a look at first-century life. Overnight in Galilee

Day 4 – Thursday, October 31

Today we will travel around the Sea of Galilee. We will stop at Al Magor for an overview of the northern shoreline. Next, we travel to Korazin and then on to Capernaum, which was the home base of Jesus’ messianic ministry. Our next stop is the Yigael Alon Museum which holds a first-century fishing boat from the Sea of Galilee, similar to those Jesus used. Grab a jacket, for our Sea of Galilee boat ride that will help orient us to Biblical locations around the lake and allow us to travel the same body of water that Jesus referred to so many times in the Word. Overnight in Galilee                                

Day 5 – Friday, November 1 Erev Shabbat

We will start with a reading of the Beatitudes  at the Mount of Beatitudes. Later view/visit Tel El Araj, Biblical site for Bethsaida.  We will travel to the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee to Mitspeh Nuqeb where Jesus cast out the legion of demons. Then on to the southern shore to conduct baptisms in the Jordan River baptism site called Yardenit. The remainder of the day will be spent at Magdala, visiting the 1st century synagogue and other discoveries. Overnight in Galilee

Day 6 – Saturday, November 2 Shabbat 

Check out of our hotel and begin our journey to Jerusalem. On the way, we will visit Jesus’s hometown of Nazareth and then a 5-minute bus ride to Mt Precipice for a stunning view of the Jezreel Valley & Nazareth. Next to Sepphoris, capital of broader Galilee at the time of Jesus, which is filled with archaeological ruins from the first century & later, plus an ancient indoor synagogue where Jesus possibly taught. Overnight in Jerusalem 

Day 7 – Sunday, November 3 

Morning prayers will begin at the Western Wall. Next door is the Davidson Center, where we will visit the Pinnacle of the Temple, the Southern Steps into the Temple, along with the Hulda Gates and various archeological finds.

Want to show love to Israel? Let’s Volunteer this afternoon! Overnight in Jerusalem

Day 8 – Monday, November 4      

We will jump on the bus and travel to a fortress and palace of King Herod for a morning hike & exploration. This man-made hill is housed within the Herodium National Park.  Here we will view Bethlehem & the Dead Sea from a distance. Now back to Jerusalem to the Tower of David Museum and Herod’s Palace.

Get ready to Volunteer  this afternoon. Overnight in Jerusalem

Day 9 – Tuesday, November 5                                                      

Our bus will take  us down into the Kidron Valley and up to the Mt of Olives overlook. Next down the hill to the Church of All Nations.  Here, we visit the Garden of Gethsemane and discuss the arrest of Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice. On the Via Dolorosa, we will stop at The Church of Holy Sepulcher/Resurrection, which is believed to be the place of crucifixion, burial & resurrection.

Volunteer afternoon & option to visit the Israel Museum (6-8pm) Overnight in Jerusalem

Day 10 – Wednesday, November 6                 

Today we will check out of the hotel in Jerusalem for our final day of exploration in Israel. After breakfast and hotel check out, we will travel to The Garden Tomb & on to Jerusalem University College on Mt. Zion. We will visit archeological finds and the gravesite of Horatio Spafford. In addition, we will conduct a Service Project by bringing small gifts to students studying at JUC.

We will walk from JUC to the traditional Upper Room.  Next, we will leave for Kibbutz Ma’aleh HaChamishah  & Kiriath Jearim/Abu Gosh. Next dinner and on to the airport. Lunch & dinner at your expense.

Day 11 – Thursday, November 7

Arrive is USA

NOTE: Daily schedules, housing and itinerary are subject to change without notice due to war in Israel, Covid, the devaluation of the dollar and political uncertainties. This itinerary is based on the best possible use of time management, keeping in mind the complexities of Jerusalem traffic, the current political climate and opening hours as regards to the war & Jewish, Christian and Muslim holidays. This is a tentative schedule. We request you have the monetary means to extend your international stay (hotel, food, transportation, airline adjustments…) should an emergency arise.